Calculate Wood Volumes from Taper Functions
Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a fitted Bi (2000) ta...
Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based ...
Simulate log extraction using a Bi (2000) variable-form taper equation...
Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a Bi (200...
Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a fitted Bi...
Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a fitted Kozak (2004)...
Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based ...
Simulate log extraction using a Kozak (2004) variable-form taper equat...
Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a Kozak (...
Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a fitted Ko...
Pipe operator
Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a 5th degree polynomi...
Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based ...
Simulate log extraction using a 5th degree polynomial that describes t...
Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a 5th deg...
Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a 5th degre...
Remove unwanted data by selecting it
Bi (2004) Taper Function.
Kozak (2004) Taper Function.
Functions for estimation of wood volumes, number of logs, diameters along the stem and heights at which certain diameters occur, based on taper functions and other parameters. References: McTague, J. P., & Weiskittel, A. (2021). <doi:10.1139/cjfr-2020-0326>.