base-sample function

Resampling 'timeDate' objects

Resampling 'timeDate' objects

Resamples a "timeDate" object.


an object of class "timeDate"


## c # Create Character Vectors: dts = c("1989-09-28", "2001-01-15", "2004-08-30", "1990-02-09") dts tms = c( "23:12:55", "10:34:02", "08:30:00", "11:18:23") tms ## "+/-" # Add One Day to a Given timeDate Object: GMT = timeDate(dts, zone = "GMT", FinCenter = "GMT") GMT ZUR = timeDate(dts, zone = "GMT", FinCenter = "Europe/Zurich") ZUR ## c # Concatenate and Replicate timeDate Objects: c(GMT[1:2], ZUR[1:2]) c(ZUR[1:2], GMT[1:2]) ## rep rep(ZUR[2], times = 3) rep(ZUR[2:3], times = 2)