Computes the date for the n-th or last occurrence of an n-day in year/month.
timeNthNdayInMonth(charvec, nday =1, nth =1, format ="%Y-%m-%d", zone ="", FinCenter ="")timeLastNdayInMonth(charvec, nday =1, format ="%Y-%m-%d", zone ="", FinCenter ="")
charvec: a character vector of dates and times.
nday: an integer vector with entries ranging from 0
(Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
nth: an integer vector numbering the n-th occurence.
format: the format specification of the input character vector.
zone: the time zone or financial center where the data were recorded.
FinCenter: a character with the location of the financial center named as "continent/city".
timeNthNdayInMonth returns the nth occurrence of a n-day (nth = 1,...,5) in year, month.
timeLastNdayInMonth returns the last nday in year, month.
an object of class "timeDate"
## timeNthNdayInMonth# What date is the second Monday in April 2004?timeNthNdayInMonth("2004-04-01",1,2)## timeLastNdayInMonth# What date has the last Tuesday in May, 1996?timeLastNdayInMonth("1996-05-01",2)