## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'plot(x, y,...)## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'lines(x, y,...)## S4 method for signature 'timeDate'points(x, y,...)axis.timeDate(side, x, at, format =NULL, labels =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'timeDate'pretty(x, n=5, min.n=n%/%3, shrink.sml=0.75, high.u.bias=1.5, u5.bias=0.5+1.5*high.u.bias, eps.correct=0,...)
x, y, at: an object of class timeDate.
side: an integer specifying which side of the plot the axis is to be drawn on. The axis is placed as follows: 1=below, 2=left, 3=above and 4=right.
format: a POSIX format string, e.g. "%Y-%m-%d".
labels: either a logical value specifying whether annotations are to be made at the tickmarks, or a vector of character strings to be placed at the tickpoints.
n: an integer giving the desired number of intervals.
min.n: a nonnegative integer giving the minimal number of intervals.
shrink.sml: a positive numeric by a which a default scale is shrunk in the case when range(x) is very small.
high.u.bias: a non-negative numeric, typically > 1. Larger high.u.bias values favor larger units.
u5.bias: a non-negative numeric multiplier favoring factor 5 over 2.
eps.correct: an integer code, one of 0, 1, or 2. If non-0, a correction is made at the boundaries.
...: arguments passed to other methods.
returns a summary report of the details of a "timeDate"
object. This includes the starting and end date, the number of dates the format and the financial center in use.
## timeCalendarx <- timeCalendar()y <- rnorm(12)## Plottingplot(x, y, type ="l")points(x, y, pch =19, col ="red")plot(x, y, type ="l", xaxt ="n")axis.timeDate(1, at = x[c(1,3,5,7,9,11)], format ="%b")axis.timeDate(1, at = x[12], format ="%Y")