Thematic Maps
Internal tmap function that gets factor levels with NA's
Internal tmap function get scale values
Internal tmap function to create by variables (used for faceting)
Netherlands datasets
Print tm_element
Draw thematic map
Quick thematic map plot
Objects exported from other packages
Wrapper functions for using tmap in shiny
Internal tmap function to create a tmap shape
ggplot2 theme for proportional symbols
Map component: manual legend
Map layer: basemap / overlay tiles
Legend charts
Map component: compass
tmap function to define a constant visual value
Map component: (credits) text
Set the map projection (CRS)
tmap layout: helper functions
Specify facets
Coordinate grid / graticule lines
Layer group control
Map layer: iso (contour)
Layout options
Map layer: lines
Map component: logo
Map component: minimap
Map component: mouse coordinates
tmap options
Determine plotting order of features
Plot mode options
Map layer: polygons
Set the position of map components
Map layer: raster
Map layer: rgb images
Scales: as is
Map component: scale bar
Scales: bivariate scale
Scales: categorical and ordinal scale
Scales: continuous scale
Scales: discrete scale
Scales: interval scale
Scales: rank scale
Scales: RGB
Scales: automatic scale
Map component: scale bar
Specify a numeric sequence
Map layer: simple features
Shape (spatial object) specification
Map layer: symbols
Map layer: text
Map component: title
tmap function to specify variables
View mode options
Map: x and y labels
Create animation
Arrange small multiples in grid layout
Set the design mode
Set the development mode
Specify icons
Internal methods for tmap extensions
Retrieve the last map to be modified or created
Export tmap to the format of the used graphics mode
Set tmap mode to static plotting or interactive viewing
tmap options
Save tmap
Create a style catalogue
Set or get the default tmap style
Print a random tip to the console
Deprecated: format
Stacking of tmap elements
Thematic Map Visualization
Internal tmap function to add a default value for the layer functions
Internal method that extracts meta data from shape objects
Internal method that extracts more meta data from shape objects
Internal method for submitting a new mode
Internal method that processed shape objects
Internal method that split shape objects
Internal method that subsets data from shape objects
Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
Useful links