Triangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data
Add a constraint to an triangulaion object
extract info about voronoi cells
plot circles
Determine the circumcircle of a triangle
Determine the circumcircle of a set of points
Return the convex hull of a triangulation object
Identify points in a triangulation plot
Determines if points are in the convex hull of a triangulation object
Determines whether given points are left of a directed edge.
List of neighbours from a triangulation object
Determines if points are on the convex hull of a triangulation object
Version of outer which operates only in a convex hull
Plot a triangulation object
plots an voronoi.polygons object
Plot a voronoi object
Print a summary of a triangulation object
Print a summary of a voronoi object
Print a triangulation object
Print a voronoi object
Return a summary of a triangulation object
Return a summary of a voronoi object
Compute the Delaunay segment lengths
Locate a point in a triangulation
Create a delaunay triangulation
A triangulation object
Extract a list of triangles from a triangulation object
Internal functions
Calculate area of Voronoi polygons
Find the Voronoi sites at the border of the region (to be rejected).
Create a Voronoi mosaic
extract polygons from a voronoi mosaic
Voronoi object
A constrained two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation package providing both triangulation and generation of voronoi mosaics of irregular spaced data. Please note that most of the functions are now also covered in package interp, which is a re-implementation from scratch under a free license based on a different triangulation algorithm.