invertinfo function

Compute a Covariance Matrix from a Fisher Information Matrix

Compute a Covariance Matrix from a Fisher Information Matrix

Stable function for computing a covariance matrix from a given Fisher information matrix by inversion.

invertinfo(mat, silent=TRUE, stopOnError=FALSE)


  • mat: a Fisher Information Matrix.
  • silent: logical value. If FALSE, errors in the computation of the inverse while using the Cholesky decomposition algorithm are printed. If TRUE, errors can be seen only in the value error_message.
  • stopOnError: logical value. If TRUE only an error message is printed in case of error.


A Cholesky decomposition is used to obtain the covariance matrix. This can be done because the Fisher information matrix is symmetric and positive definite.

This function is meant to be a more stable alternative to the function solve, which does not take into account, that the matrix is symmetric and positive definite.


A list containing the following components:

  • vcov: the covariance matrix.

  • error_message: possible error messages that occured when inverting the Fisher information matrix.


Tobias Liboschik and Philipp Probst

See Also

chol and chol2inv.


library(Matrix) invertinfo(Hilbert(5), stopOnError=TRUE) invertinfo(Hilbert(100)) invertinfo(Hilbert(100), silent=FALSE) ## Not run: invertinfo(Hilbert(100), stopOnError=TRUE)