Correlation calculation based on rolling window with overlapping observations.
Correlation calculation based on rolling window with overlapping observations.
find_dataleaks(lstx, h, cutoff =1)
lstx: list of time series
h: length of forecast horizon
cutoff: benchmark value for corr absolute value, default 1
list of matching quantities
a = rnorm(15)lst <- list( a = a, b = c(a[10:15], rnorm(10), a[1:5], a[1:5]), c = c(rnorm(10), a[1:5]))find_dataleaks(lst, h=5)#' a = rnorm(15)lst <- list( x= a, y= c(rnorm(10), a[1:5]))find_dataleaks(lst, h=5)# List without naming elementslst <- list( a, c(rnorm(10), a[1:5], a[1:5]), rnorm(10))find_dataleaks(lst, h=5)