A class of tests for serial dependence and nonlinearity based upon Srho.
Objects from the Class
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("Srho.test", ...).
.Data:: Object of class "numeric": contains Srho computed on the data set.
call:: Object of class "call": contains the call to the routine.
call.h:: Object of class "call": contains the call to the routine used for obtaining the surrogates or the bootstrap replicates under the null hypothesis.
quantiles:: Object of class "matrix": contains the quantiles of the bootstrap/permutation distribution under the null hypothesis.
test.type:: Object of class "character": contains a description of the type of test performed.
significant.lags:: Object of class "list": contains the lags at which Srho exceeds the confidence bands at quant under the null hypothesis.
p.value:: Object of class "numeric": contains the bootstrap p-value for each lag.
lags:: Object of class "integer": contains the lags at which Srho is computed.
stationary:: TRUE if the stationary version is computed.
data.type:: Object of class "character": contains the data type.
notes:: Object of class "character": additional notes.
Class "Srho", directly.
plot: signature(x = "Srho.test", y = "missing"): ...