crost function

Croston's method and variants

Croston's method and variants

Croston's method and variants for intermittent demand series with fixed or optimised parameters.

crost(data,h=10,w=NULL,init=c("mean","naive"),nop=c(2,1), type=c("croston","sba","sbj"),cost=c("mar","msr","mae","mse"), init.opt=c(TRUE,FALSE),outplot=c(FALSE,TRUE),opt.on=c(FALSE,TRUE), na.rm=c(FALSE,TRUE))


  • data: Intermittent demand time series.
  • h: Forecast horizon.
  • w: Smoothing parameters. If w == NULL then parameters are optimised. If w is a single parameter then the same is used for smoothing both the demand and the intervals. If two parameters are provided then the second is used to smooth the intervals.
  • init: Initial values for demand and intervals. This can be: 1. c(z,x) - Vector of two scalars, where first is initial demand and second is initial interval; 2. "naive" - Initial demand is first non-zero demand and initial interval is first interval; 3. "mean" - Same as "naive", but initial interval is the mean of all in sample intervals.
  • nop: Specifies the number of model parameters. Used only if they are optimised. 1. 1 - Demand and interval parameters are the same; 2. 2 - Different demand and interval parameters.
  • type: Croston's method variant: 1. "croston" Croston's method; 2. "sba" Syntetos-Boylan approximation; 3. "sbj" Shale-Boylan-Johnston.
  • cost: Cost function used for optimisation: 1. "mar" - Mean Absolute Rate; 2. "msr" - Mean Squared Rate; 3. "mae" - Mean Absolute Error; 4. "mse" - Mean Squared Error.
  • init.opt: If init.opt==TRUE then initial values are optimised.
  • outplot: If TRUE a plot of the forecast is provided.
  • opt.on: This is meant to use only by the optimisation function. When opt.on is TRUE then no checks on inputs are performed.
  • na.rm: A logical value indicating whether NA values should be remove using the method.


  • model: Type of model fitted.

  • In-sample demand rate.

  • frc.out: Out-of-sample demand rate.

  • weights: Smoothing parameters for demand and interval.

  • initial: Initialisation values for demand and interval smoothing.

  • component: List of and c.out containing the non-zero demand and interval vectors for in- and out-of-sample respectively. Third element is the coefficient used to scale demand rate for sba and sbj.


Optimisation of the methods described in: N. Kourentzes, 2014, On intermittent demand model optimisation and selection, International Journal of Production Economics, 156: 180-190. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.06.007") .


Nikolaos Kourentzes

See Also

tsb, sexsm,

