simID function

Simulator for Intermittent Demand Series

Simulator for Intermittent Demand Series

Simulator of Intermittent Demand Series.

simID(n=1, obs=60, idi=2, cv2=0.5, level=NULL)


  • n: Number of time series to be generated.
  • obs: Number of observation of each series.
  • idi: Average intermittent demand interval of each series.
  • cv2: Squared coefficient of variation of the non-zero demands.
  • level: Mean level of the non-zero demands. If NULL, then a random level in [10,100] is selected.


  • series: A data matrix containing all the generated series.


This simulator assumes that non-zero demand arrivals follow a bernoulli distribution and the non-zero demands a negative binomial distribution. Petropoulos F., Makridakis S., Assimakopoulos V. & Nikolopoulos K. (2014) "'Horses for Courses' in demand forecasting", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 237, No. 1, pp. 152-163


Fotios Petropoulos

See Also

crost, tsb, idclass.


dataset <- t(simID(100,60,idi=1.15,cv2=0.3))