A Time Series Toolbox for Official Statistics
Provide Colorblind Compliant Colors
Compute Decimal Time from a ts Period Vector
Concatenate to Non-Overlapping Time Series
Create an Overview data.table of (last) observations
Flexible Function to Create Time Series Dummy Variables
Turn data.frame to Regular Monthly or Quarterly Time Series
Read Meta Data File w/o File Extension
Fill Up a Time Series with NAs
Generate a list of random time series
Compute the Period Vector representation of a Decimal Time value
Helper to calculate ci colors for legends
Initiate Default Theme
Transform a long format data.frame of time series to a tslist
Turn monthly series with regular NAs to quarter
Concat Time Series list wise
Resolve Overlap Listwise, helpful with SA
Read data generated by the Swissdata project
Read swissdata style yaml timeseries metadata
Import time series data from a file.
Turn an Irregular Time Series to a Regular, ts-Based Series
Concatenate Time Series and Resolve Overlap Automatically
Set Periods to NA
Start a Time Series after the Last Internal NA
Strip Leading / Trailing NAs from a Time Series Object
Plot Time Series
Interpolate quarterly time series into monthly
Deprecated function(s) in tstools
Transform a wide format data.frame into a tslist
Export a list of time series to a file.
Plot official statistics' time series conveniently: automatic legends, highlight windows, stacked bar chars with positive and negative contributions, sum-as-line option, two y-axes with automatic horizontal grids that fit both axes and other popular chart types. 'tstools' comes with a plethora of defaults to let you plot without setting an abundance of parameters first, but gives you the flexibility to tweak the defaults. In addition to charts, 'tstools' provides a super fast, 'data.table' backed time series I/O that allows the user to export / import long format, wide format and transposed wide format data to various file types.