Risk Measure Calculation in Financial TS
Unconditional and Conditional Coverage Tests, Independence Test
Loss Functions
Plot Method for the Package 'ufRisk'
Print Method for Objects of Class 'ufRisk'
Backtesting of Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall via Traffic Light ...
ufRisk: A package for user friendly and practical usage of various bac...
Calculation of one-step ahead forecasts of Value at Risk and Expected ...
Enables the user to calculate Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) by means of various parametric and semiparametric GARCH-type models. For the latter the estimation of the nonparametric scale function is carried out by means of a data-driven smoothing approach. Model quality, in terms of forecasting VaR and ES, can be assessed by means of various backtesting methods such as the traffic light test for VaR and a newly developed traffic light test for ES. The approaches implemented in this package are described in e.g. Feng Y., Beran J., Letmathe S. and Ghosh S. (2020) <https://ideas.repec.org/p/pdn/ciepap/137.html> as well as Letmathe S., Feng Y. and Uhde A. (2021) <https://ideas.repec.org/p/pdn/ciepap/141.html>.