Uncertainty Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis for Missing Data
Support function for ui.causal
Gradient for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit
Hessian for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit
Print interval in parantesis
Inverse Mills rato
Inverse Mills rato
Loglikelihood used by ui.probit
Loglikelohood used in sandwich estimator of average causal effect on t...
Fit maximum likelihood for fixed values of rho
Plot of UI and CI
Plot of UI and CI
Plot of UI and CI
Print function for object of class uicausal
Prints objects of class uiols
Prints objects of class uiprobit
Plot of UI and CI
Plot of UI and CI
Plot of UI and CI
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect on the treated
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect
Calculates standard error of Average causal effect on the treated
Calculation of se for OLS
Correction of OLS sigma for causal effects
Correction of OLS sigma
Uncertainty intervals for Average Causal Effects
Uncertainty intervals for OLS regression
Uncertainty intervals for probit regression
Implements functions to derive uncertainty intervals for (i) regression (linear and probit) parameters when outcome is missing not at random (non-ignorable missingness) introduced in Genbaeck, M., Stanghellini, E., de Luna, X. (2015) <doi:10.1007/s00362-014-0610-x> and Genbaeck, M., Ng, N., Stanghellini, E., de Luna, X. (2018) <doi:10.1007/s10433-017-0448-x>; and (ii) double robust and outcome regression estimators of average causal effects (on the treated) with possibly unobserved confounding introduced in Genbaeck, M., de Luna, X. (2018) <doi:10.1111/biom.13001>.