Analysis and Graphics for Unreplicated Experiments
Resizeable dot plots
Effect examples
Half-normal plots (Daniel plots) of effects
Half-normal graph paper
Pareto plot of effects
Pseudo standard error of effects
Analysis of effects from screening experiments
Dot plot of effects with a reference distribution
Analysis and graphics for unreplicated experiments
Yates's algorithm
Provides half-normal plots, reference plots, and Pareto plots of effects from an unreplicated experiment, along with various pseudo-standard-error measures, simulated reference distributions, and other tools. Many of these methods are described in Daniel C. (1959) <doi:10.1080/00401706.1959.10489866> and/or Lenth R.V. (1989) <doi:10.1080/00401706.1989.10488595>, but some new approaches are added and integrated in one package.