Nelson and Plosser original data set
This data set contains the fourteen U.S. economic time series used by Nelson and Plosser in their seminal paper. data
A data frame containing fourteen series.
year | Time index from 1860 until 1970. |
gnp.r | Real GNP, |
[Billions of 1958 Dollars], [1909 -- 1970] | |
gnp.n | Nominal GNP, |
[Millions of Current Dollars], [1909 -- 1970] | |
gnp.pc | Real Per Capita GNP, |
[1958 Dollars], [1909 -- 1970] | |
ip | Industrial Production Index, |
[1967 = 100], [1860 -- 1970] | |
emp | Total Employment, |
[Thousands], [1890 -- 1970] | |
ur | Total Unemployment Rate, |
[Percent], [1890 -- 1970] | |
gnp.p | GNP Deflator, |
[1958 = 100], [1889 -- 1970] | |
cpi | Consumer Price Index, |
[1967 = 100], [1860 -- 1970] | |
wg.n | Nominal Wages |
(Average annual earnings per full-time employee in manufacturing), | |
[current Dollars], [1900 -- 1970] | |
wg.r | Real Wages, |
[Nominal wages/CPI], [1900 -- 1970] | |
M | Money Stock (M2), |
[Billions of Dollars, annual averages], [1889 -- 1970] | |
vel | Velocity of Money, |
[1869 -- 1970] | |
bnd | Bond Yield (Basic Yields of 30-year corporate bonds), |
[Percent per annum], [1900 -- 1970] | |
sp | Stock Prices, |
[Index; 1941 -- 43 = 100], [1871 -- 1970] |
Nelson, C.R. and Plosser, C.I. (1982), Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series, Journal of Monetary Economics, 10 , 139--162.
Bernhard Pfaff
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