R Wrapper for the 'Bit.ly' and 'Is.gd'/'v.gd' URL Shortening Services
Retrieve a single group
Retrieve a list of all groups
Update A Channel (Premium)
Update Custom Bitlink (Premium)
Update Group Preferences
Update a Group
Expand a short URL to a longer one
Create Campaign (Premium)
Create channel (Premium)
Expand a Bitlink
Retrieve a Bitlink
Get Clicks for a Custom Bitlink's Entire History (Premium)
Get Metrics for a Custom Bitlink by Destination (Premium)
Retrieve Custom Bitlink (Premium)
Get Metrics for a Custom Bitlink by destination (Premium)
Get Click Metrics for a specified group by city (Premium)
Get Click Metrics for a Group by countries
Get Click Metrics for a specified group by devices (Premium)
Get Click Metrics for a Group by referring networks
Retrieve Group Preferences
Retrieve Group Shorten Counts
Retrieve all Organizations
Shorten an URL
Retrieve a single Organization
Add Custom Bitlink (Premium)
Retrieve OAuth App
Assign bit.ly API tokens using OAuth2.0
Branded Short Domains Group Overrides (Premium)
Fetch all Branded Short Domains
Create a short Bitlink
Retrieve Bitlinks by Group
Retrieve a Campaign
Retrieve campaigns (Premium)
Get a Channel (Premium)
Retrieve channels (Premium)
Get Clicks Summary for a Bitlink
Get Clicks for a Bitlink
Retrieve Bitlinks by Group
Get Metrics for a Bitlink by countries
Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referrers by domain
Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referrers
Get Plan Limits
Retrieve Organization Shorten Counts
Retrieve Sorted Bitlinks for Group
Retrieve Sorted Bitlinks for Group
Retrieve Tags by Group
Shorten a Link
Update a Bitlink
Update A Channel (Premium)
Update your name and/or default group ID
Retrieve information for the current authenticated user
Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referring domains
Expand an URL from clipboard
Shorten an URL from clipboard
Check if authenticated user holds premium account
Expand a short URL to a longer one
Given a long URL, returns a short is.gd link.
Given a long URL, returns a short v.gd link.
Allows using two URL shortening services, which also provide expanding and analytic functions. Specifically developed for 'Bit.ly' (which requires OAuth 2.0) and 'is.gd' (no API key).