Automate Package and Project Setup
README badges
Visit important project-related web pages
Create a project from a GitHub repo
Create a package or project
Open file for editing
Open configuration files
Deprecated Git functions
See or set the default Git protocol
Git/GitHub sitrep
Vaccinate your global gitignore file
Get or set the default Git branch
Get help with GitHub personal access tokens
Helpers for GitHub issues
License a package
Activate a project
Report working directory and usethis/RStudio project
Utility functions for the active project
Helpers for GitHub pull requests
Automatically rename paired R/
and test/
Helpers to make useful changes to .Rprofile
Helpers for tidyverse development
Suppress usethis's messaging
Legacy functions related to user interface
User interface - Questions
Add minimal RStudio Addin binding
Add an author to the Authors@R
Don't save/load user workspace between sessions
Add files to .Rbuildignore
Create a CITATION template
Add a code of conduct
Helpers to download and unpack a ZIP file
Test coverage
Use C++ via the cpp11 package
CRAN submission comments
Prepare for importing data.table
Create package data
Create or modify a DESCRIPTION file
Use a directory
Configure Git
Add a git hook
Tell Git to ignore files
Configure and report Git remotes
Initialise a git repository
Set up a GitHub Actions workflow
Generates a GitHub Actions badge
Deprecated GitHub Actions functions
Copy a file from any GitHub repo into the current project
Manage GitHub issue labels
Use GitHub links in URL and BugReports
Configure a GitHub Pages site
Publish a GitHub release
Connect a local repo with GitHub
Continuous integration setup and badges
Import a function from another package
Create Jenkinsfile for Jenkins CI Pipelines
Use "latest" versions of all dependencies
Use lifecycle badges
Use a package logo
Create Makefile
Use a basic NAMESPACE
Create a simple
Package-level documentation
Depend on another package
Use magrittr's pipe in your package
Use pkgdown
Create or edit R or test files
Use C, C++, RcppArmadillo, or RcppEigen
Create README files
Create a release checklist in a GitHub issue
Reverse dependency checks
Add an RMarkdown Template
Use roxygen2 with markdown
Deprecated badge function
Set global RStudio preferences
Add RStudio Project infrastructure
Use spell check
Use a standalone file from another repo
Use a usethis-style template
Create or edit a test helper file
Sets up overall testing infrastructure
Prepare to return a tibble
Deprecated tidyverse functions
Identify contributors via GitHub activity
Create a learnr tutorial
Create an upkeep checklist in a GitHub issue
Increment package version
Create a vignette or article
Options consulted by usethis
usethis: Automate Package and Project Setup
Write into or over a file
Download and unpack a ZIP file
Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp', 'RStudio' projects, and more.
Useful links