Genome Interval Arithmetic
Compute absolute distances between intervals.
Identify closest intervals.
Cluster neighboring intervals.
Identify intervals in a genome not covered by a query.
Compute coverage of intervals.
Fisher's test to measure overlap between two sets of intervals.
Create flanking intervals from input intervals.
Calculate coverage across a genome
Create example glyphs for valr functions.
Identify intersecting intervals.
Calculate the Jaccard statistic for two sets of intervals.
Divide intervals into new sub-intervals ("windows").
Calculate summaries from overlapping intervals.
Merge overlapping intervals.
Partition intervals into elemental intervals
Projection test for query interval overlap.
Generate randomly placed intervals on a genome.
Compute relative distances between intervals.
Adjust intervals by a fixed size.
Shuffle input intervals.
Increase the size of input intervals.
Sort a set of intervals.
Subtract two sets of intervals.
Identify intervals within a specified distance.
Convert BED12 to individual exons in BED6.
Select intervals bounded by a genome.
Create intron features.
Create transcription start site features.
Create 3' UTR features.
Create 5' UTR features.
Fetch data from remote databases.
Flip strands in intervals.
Convert Granges to bed tibble
Plyr function id_var packaged due to plyr being retired Numeric id for...
Plyr function id packaged due to plyr being retired Compute a unique n...
Calculate interval spacing.
Bed-like data.frame requirements for valr functions
Read BED and related files.
Import and convert a bigwig file into a valr compatible tbl
Read genome files.
Import and convert a GTF/GFF file into a valr compatible bed tbl forma...
Read a VCF file.
Provide working directory for valr example files.
valr: genome interval arithmetic in R
Read and manipulate genome intervals and signals. Provides functionality similar to command-line tool suites within R, enabling interactive analysis and visualization of genome-scale data. Riemondy et al. (2017) <doi:10.12688/f1000research.11997.1>.
Useful links