Vector Helpers
Find duplicated values
Is a vector empty
Missing values
AsIs S3 class
Construct a data frame
Collect columns for data frame construction
Coercion between two data frames
FAQ - How is the compatibility of vector types decided?
FAQ - Error/Warning: Some attributes are incompatible
FAQ - Error: Input must be a vector
Tools for accessing the fields of a record.
FAQ - How to implement ptype2 and cast methods? (Data frames)
FAQ - How to implement ptype2 and cast methods?
FAQ - Why isn't my class treated as a vector?
64 bit integers
Internal FAQ - Implementation of vec_locate_matches()
Internal FAQ - vec_ptype2()
, and unspecified vectors
Drop empty elements from a list
S3 class for homogenous lists
Lossy cast error
Missing values
Name specifications
Assemble attributes for data frame construction
Date, date-time, and duration S3 classes
Factor/ordered factor S3 class
Create list_of subclass
Partial type
rcrd (record) S3 class
vctr (vector) S3 class
List checks
and str()
Default value for empty vectors
Order and sort vectors
Partially specify a factor
Partially specify columns of a data frame
FAQ - Is my class compatible with vctrs?
Register a method for a suggested dependency
Table S3 class
FAQ - How does coercion work in vctrs?
FAQ - How does recycling work in vctrs and the tidyverse?
A 1d vector of unspecified type
Custom conditions for vctrs package
vctrs methods for data frames
vctrs: Vector Helpers
Repeat a vector
Set operations
Arithmetic operations
Convert to an index vector
Create a vector of locations
Retrieve and repair names
Repair names with legacy method
Convert to a base subscript type
Assert an argument has known prototype and/or size
Combine many data frames into one data frame
Combine many vectors into one vector
Cast a vector to a specified type
Frame prototype
Compare two vectors
Count unique values in a vector
Extract underlying data
Default cast and ptype2 methods
Create a data frame from all combinations of the inputs
Fill in missing values with the previous or following value
Identify groups
Initialize a vector
Interleave many vectors into one vector
List checks
Locate observations matching specified conditions
Locate sorted groups
Find matching observations across vectors
Mathematical operations
Get or set the names of a vector
Order and sort vectors
Proxy and restore
Comparison and order proxy
Equality proxy
Find the prototype of a set of vectors
Vector type as a string
Find the common type for a pair of vectors
Compute ranks
Vector recycling
Expand the length of a vector
Useful sequences
Number of observations
Get or set observations in a vector
Split a vector into groups
Deprecated type functions
Find and count unique values
Vector checks
Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and size-stability useful for analysing function interfaces.
Useful links