Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library
Add libraries dependencies used in export visExport
Use fontAwesome icons in visNetwork graph
Use Ionicons in visNetwork graph
Network visualization clustering options - by color
Network visualization clustering options - by node id
Network visualization clustering options - by group
Network visualization clustering options - by hubsize
Network visualization clustering options - outliers
Network visualization configure options
View full documentation of vis.js on network
Network visualization edges options
Network visualization events
Network export configuration
Network visualization fit method
Network visualization focus method
Method getBoundingBox, with shiny only.
Method getConnectedEdges, with shiny only.
Method getConnectedNodes, with shiny only.
Function to get edges data, with shiny only.
Function to get nodes data, with shiny only.
Network visualization getPositions method
Function to get current scale of network, with shiny only.
Function to get selected edges, with shiny only.
Function to get selected nodes, with shiny only.
Function to get selected edges & nodes, with shiny only.
Function to get current view position, with shiny only.
Network visualization groups options
Visualize Hierarchical cluster analysis.
Network visualization Hierarchical layout options
Use a igraph layout for compute coordinates & fast rendering
Network visualization interaction
Network visualization layout options
Add a legend on a visNetwork object
Network visualization moveNode method
Function to nearest nodes of a target node, with shiny only.
Network visualization collapse / uncollapsed method
Export magrittr function
Render a visNetwork object from an igraph object
Shiny bindings for visNetwork
Module shiny for visualize and customize a rpart
Network visualization
Module shiny for visualize and customize and get back a visNetwork
Visualize, customize and get back a visNetwork
object. Need shiny pa...
Network visualization nodes options
Network visualization general options
Network visualization Physics options
Network visualization redraw method
Function to remove edges from network, with shiny only.
Function to remove nodes from network, with shiny only.
Save a a visNetwork object to an HTML file
Function to select edge(s) from network, with shiny only.
Function to select node(s) from network, with shiny only.
Network visualization setData method
Network visualization full options setter
Function to select edge(s) / node(s) from network, with shiny only.
Set title, subtitle, and footer using visNetworkProxy
Network visualization stabilize method
Network visualization startSimulation method
Network visualization stopSimulation method
Method storePositions, with shiny only.
Visualize Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (rpart object)
Run and edit a visTree, and get back in R
Network visualization unselectAll method
Function to update the information of edges, with shiny only.
Function to update the information of nodes, with shiny only.
Provides an R interface to the 'vis.js' JavaScript charting library. It allows an interactive visualization of networks.
Useful links