Analyze and Visualize Data from 'Microsoft Viva Insights'
Distribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
After-hours Collaboration Time Trend - Line Chart
Rank groups with high After-Hours Collaboration Hours
Summary of After-Hours Collaboration Hours
After-Hours Time Trend
Anonymise a categorical variable by replacing values
Identify whether variable is an IDate class.
Convert "CamelCase" to "Camel Case"
Check whether a data frame contains all the required variable
Check a query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis
Collaboration - Stacked Area Plot
Distribution of Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
Collaboration Time Trend - Line Chart
Collaboration Ranking
Collaboration Summary
Collaboration Time Trend
Add comma separator for thousands
Copy a data frame to clipboard for pasting in Excel
Create a bar chart without aggregation for any metric
Mean Bar Plot for any metric
Box Plot for any metric
Create a bubble plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics (General ...
Create a density plot for any metric
Horizontal 100 percent stacked bar plot for any metric
Create interactive tables in HTML with 'download' buttons.
Fizzy Drink / Jittered Scatter Plot for any metric
Create a histogram plot for any metric
Create an incidence analysis reflecting proportion of population scori...
Compute Information Value for Predictive Variables
Create a line chart without aggregation for any metric
Time Trend - Line Chart for any metric
Calculate the Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient in a Person Query
Period comparison scatter plot for any two metrics
Create combination pairs of HR variables and run 'create_rank()'
Rank all groups across HR attributes on a selected Viva Insights metri...
Create a sankey chart from a two-column count table
Create a Scatter plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics (General...
Horizontal stacked bar plot for any metric
Create a line chart that tracks metrics over time with a 4-week rollin...
Heat mapped horizontal bar plot over time for any metric
Convert a numeric variable for hours into categorical
Distribution of Email Hours as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of Email Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
Email Time Trend - Line Chart
Email Hours Ranking
Email Summary
Email Hours Time Trend
Export 'vivainsights' outputs to CSV, clipboard, or save as images
Distribution of External Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of External Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
External Collaboration Hours Time Trend - Line Chart
Rank groups with high External Collaboration Hours
External Collaboration Summary
Extract date period
Extract HR attribute variables
Flag unusual high collaboration hours to after-hours collaboration hou...
Flag Persons with unusually high Email Hours to Emails Sent ratio
Warn for extreme values by checking against a threshold
Flag unusual outlook time settings for work day start and end time
Generate HTML report with list inputs
Generate HTML report based on existing RMarkdown documents
Generate a vector of n
contiguous colours, as a red-yellow-green pal...
Employee count over time
Create count of distinct fields and percentage of employees with missi...
Create a count of distinct people in a specified HR variable
Track count of distinct people over time in a specified HR variable
Identify employees who have churned from the dataset
Identify date frequency based on a series of dates
Identify Holiday Weeks based on outliers
Identify Inactive Weeks
Identify Non-Knowledge workers in a Person Query using Collaboration H...
Identify metric outliers over a date interval
Identify groups under privacy threshold
Identify shifts based on outlook time settings for work day start and ...
Tenure calculation based on different input dates, returns data summar...
Import a query from Viva Insights Analyst Experience
Identify whether string is a date format
Generate a Information Value HTML Report
Jitter metrics in a data frame
Run a summary of Key Metrics without aggregation
Run a summary of Key Metrics from the Standard Person Query data
Max-Min Scaling Function
Distribution of Meeting Hours as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of Meeting Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
Meeting Time Trend - Line Chart
Meeting Hours Ranking
Meeting Summary
Generate a Meeting Text Mining report in HTML
Meeting Hours Time Trend
Create a network plot with the group-to-group query
Perform network analysis with the person-to-person query
Summarise node centrality statistics with an igraph object
Distribution of Manager 1:1 Time as a 100% stacked bar
Distribution of Manager 1:1 Time (Fizzy Drink plot)
Frequency of Manager 1:1 Meetings as bar or 100% stacked bar chart
Manager 1:1 Time Trend - Line Chart
Manager 1:1 Time Ranking
Manager 1:1 Time Summary
Manager 1:1 Time Trend
Simulate a person-to-person query using a Watts-Strogatz model
Create the two-digit zero-padded format
Perform a pairwise count of words by id
Pipe operator
Read preamble
Convert rgb to HEX code
Basic theme for 'vivainsights' visualisations
Main theme for 'vivainsights' visualisations
Clean subject line text prior to analysis
Analyse word co-occurrence in subject lines and return a network plot
Perform a Word or Ngram Frequency Analysis and return a Circular Bar P...
Generate a wordcloud with meeting subject lines
Row-bind an identical data frame for computing grouped totals
Fabricate a 'Total' HR variable
Sankey chart of organizational movement between HR attributes and miss...
Generate a time stamp
Replace underscore with space
Generate a Data Validation report in HTML
vivainsights: Analyze and Visualize Data from 'Microsoft Viva Insights...
Wrap text based on character threshold
Add a character at the start and end of a character string
Provides a versatile range of functions, including exploratory data analysis, time-series analysis, organizational network analysis, and data validation, whilst at the same time implements a set of best practices in analyzing and visualizing data specific to 'Microsoft Viva Insights'.
Useful links