Access to VK API via R
Returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall
Returns a list of comments on a user wall or community wall
Returns information about reposts of a post on user wall or community ...
Allows to search posts on user or community walls
Client authorization
Client authorization (for web application)
Create post object
Access to VK API via R
Returns a list of posts from user or community walls by their IDs
Predict age for the specified user
Checks the friendship status between two users
Returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion boar...
Returns a list of comments on a topic on a community's discussion boar...
Returns a list of comments on a community's discussion board
Clear text
Check if collection exists
Create empty collection
Returns list of chairs on a specified faculty
Returns a list of cities
Returns information about cities by their IDs
Returns a list of countries
Returns information about countries by their IDs
Returns a list of faculties (i.e., university departments)
Returns a list of regions
Returns a list of available classes
Returns a list of schools
Returns information about streets by their IDs
Returns a list of higher education institutions
Drop database
Drop collection
Get collection
Get a mongo connection object
The current database name
The current database name
Initialize database
Insert object into existing collection
Load all collections from db for specified data base
Load collection from db
Get meta connection
Save object to db
Update existing records
A universal method for calling a sequence of other methods while savin...
Filtering attachments by type
Get stop words list for russian language
Get access token
Building a friend graph for an arbitrary list of users
Get country ID and title by given city ID
Building a friend graph
Returns a list of user IDs or detailed information about a user's frie...
Returns a list of friends IDs for the specified users
Returns a list of friends IDs for the specified users
Returns a list of the communities to which a user belongs
Returns information about communities by their IDs
Returns a list of the communities for the specified users
Returns a list of community members
Returns a list of community members
Returns a list of user IDs of the mutual friends of two users
Returns a list of user IDs of the mutual friends of two users
Returns a list of paths between two users
Returns data required to show the status of a users and/or communities
Returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board
Returns a list of topics on a community's discussion board
Extract URLs from messages
Returns detailed information on users
Returns detailed information on arbitrary number of users
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall
Returns a list of posts on a user wall or community wall
Returns a list of communities matching the search criteria
Captcha error handler
Validation error handler
Get error code from response
Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified object to their...
Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified objects to thei...
Returns current user ID
Returns a list of the current user's incoming or outgoing private mess...
Returns message history for the specified user or group chat
Returns all message history for the specified user or group chat
Returns message history for the specified user or group chat
Sends a message.
Split messages by days, weeks, months
Returns search results by statuses
Logical or operator
Returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall
Helper function for working with profile fields
Returns a query string
Repeat last function call
Delaying a request if necessary
Converts the given igraph object to GEXF format and saves it at the gi...
Allows the programmer to do a quick search for any substring
Set access token
Set API version
Set maximum number of repeats
Set timeout
Show collections
Show databases
Returns user id by tag
Check response for errors
Try to handle network error
Switch database
Returns a list of IDs of followers of the user in question, sorted by ...
Returns a list of IDs of users and communities followed by the user
Returns a list of users matching the search criteria
Custom error
Apply a method over a vector of objects
Provides an interface to the VK API <>. VK <> is the largest European online social networking service, based in Russia.