Inequality Measures for Weighted Data
Abul Naga and Yalcin index
Allison and Foster index
Apouey index
Atkinson index
Blair and Lacy index
Coefficient of Variation
Generalized entropy index
Gini coefficient
Hoover index
Weighted inequality measures with bootstrap
Weighted inequality measures
Jenkins, Cowell and Flachaire
Kolm index
Leti index
Weighted lower sum
Median of ordered factor or numeric
Palma index
Proportion 20:20
Sample quantile for weighted data
Ricci and Schutz index
Theil L
Theil T
Computes inequality measures of a given variable taking into account weights. Suitable for ratio, interval and ordered scale. Includes Gini, Theil, Leti index, Palma ratio, 20:20 ratio, Allison and Foster index, Jenkins index, Cowell and Flechaire index, Abul Naga and Yalcin index, Apouey index, Blair and Lacy index. Bootstrap provides distribution of inequality measures enabling significance tests.