j: The level of wavelet and scaling coefficients to compute (for forward algorithm) or the level of wavelet and scaling coefficient inputs (for inverse algorithm).
An implementation of the DWT and MODWT forward and backward pyramid algorithms using pseudocode written by Percival and Walden (2000), pp. 100-101, 177-178. These functions are intended primarily as helper functions for the dwt, modwt, idwt and imodwt functions.
dwt.forward and modwt.forward return a list of two elements containing vectors of wavelet and scaling coefficients for the subsequent level of analysis. dwt.backward and modwt.backward return a vector of scaling coefficients for the previous level of analysis.
Percival, D. B. and A. T. Walden (2000) Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis, Cambridge University Press.
See Also
dwt, modwt, wt.filter.
# obtain the two series listed in Percival and Walden (2000), page 42X1 <- c(.2,-.4,-.6,-.5,-.8,-.4,-.9,0,-.2,.1,-.1,.1,.7,.9,0,.3)X2 <- c(.2,-.4,-.6,-.5,-.8,-.4,-.9,0,-.2,.1,-.1,.1,-.7,.9,0,.3)# compute the LA8 wavelet filter for both DWT and MODWTla8.dwt <- wt.filter()la8.modwt <- wt.filter(modwt=TRUE)# compute the DWT and MODWT level one wavelet and scaling coefficientswt.dwt <- dwt.forward(X1, la8.dwt)wt.modwt <- modwt.forward(X2, la8.modwt,1)# compute the original series with the level one coefficientsnewX.dwt <- dwt.backward(wt.dwt$W, wt.dwt$V, la8.dwt)newX.modwt <- modwt.backward(wt.modwt$W, wt.modwt$V, la8.modwt,1)