Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
Circle accessors
2D Circle Vectors
Deprecated functions
Grid cell operators
Extract values from a grid
Index snap functions
Subset grid objects
Grid information
Compute overview grid tile
Extract normalized grid tiles
Raster-like objects
Test handlers for handling of unknown size vectors
S3 details for crc objects
S3 details for grid objects
S3 details for rct objects
S3 Details for wk_wkb
S3 Details for wk_wkt
S3 details for xy objects
Plot grid objects
Rectangle accessors and operators
2D rectangle vectors
Vctrs methods
2D bounding rectangles
Chunking strategies
Count geometry components
Compare CRS objects
Special CRS values
CRS object generic methods
Set and get vector CRS
Debug filters and handlers
Create example geometry objects
Extract simple geometries
Format well-known geometry for printing
Handle specific regions of objects
Use data.frame with wk
Read geometry vectors
Handler interface for grid objects
Copy a geometry vector
Set and get vector geodesic edge interpolation
Create lines, polygons, and collections
Extract feature-level meta
Orient polygon coordinates
Plot well-known geometry vectors
Validate well-known binary and well-known text
Set coordinate values
Affine transformer
Transform using explicit coordinate values
Generic transform class
Apply coordinate transformations
Translate geometry vectors
Extract vertices
Do nothing
Write geometry vectors
wk: Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
Convert well-known binary to hex
Mark lists of raw vectors as well-known binary
Mark character vectors as well-known text
XY vector extractors
Efficient point vectors
Provides a minimal R and C++ API for parsing well-known binary and well-known text representation of geometries to and from R-native formats. Well-known binary is compact and fast to parse; well-known text is human-readable and is useful for writing tests. These formats are useful in R only if the information they contain can be accessed in R, for which high-performance functions are provided here.
Useful links