zTreeSbj function

Read '.sbj' files generated by 'z-Tree' into R

Read '.sbj' files generated by 'z-Tree' into R

Read '.sbj' files which are written by the Microsoft Windows program 'z-Tree'. The latter is a software for developing and carrying out economic experiments (see http://www.ztree.uzh.ch/ for more information).

zTreeSbj(files, sep = "\t", zTree.silent=getOption("zTree.silent"), zTree.encoding=getOption("zTree.encoding"),ignore.errors=FALSE)


  • files: A vector of 'z-Tree' .sbj filenames
  • sep: 'z-Tree' uses "\t" as a separator. If you have a manipulated file, you might need to change the separator.
  • zTree.silent: If TRUE, generates less verbose output.
  • zTree.encoding: zTree writes text files and seems to use latin1 (windows-1252) encoding for these files.
  • ignore.errors: Usually, zTreeSbj stops with an error when it detects a wrong encoding. With ignore.errors=TRUE it only generates a warning.


A data frame with one entry for each subject.


Urs Fischbacher. "z-Tree: Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments." Experimental Economics (2) 171-178, 2007.


Oliver Kirchkamp

See Also

See also zTreeTables


## Not run: files <- list.files(pattern = "*.sbj$",recursive=TRUE) fname <- sub(".*/","",files) sbj <- zTreeSbj(aggregate(files,list(fname),function(x) x[1])$x) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Oliver Kirchkamp
  • License: GPL-3 | file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2021-11-03

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