Statistical Models for Word Frequency Distributions
Incomplete Beta and Gamma Functions (zipfR)
Estimate Confidence Intervals from Parametric Bootstrap Simulations (z...
Brown Corpus Frequency Data (zipfR)
Brown Corpus Subset Frequency Data (zipfR)
Confidence Intervals for LNRE Model Parameters (zipfR)
Dickens' Frequency Data (zipfR)
Type and Probability Distributions of LNRE Models (zipfR)
Estimate LNRE Model Parameters (zipfR)
Expected Frequency Spectrum (zipfR)
Binomial Interpolation (zipfR)
Italian Ri- and Ultra- Prefix Frequency Data (zipfR)
LNRE Models (zipfR)
Parametric bootstrapping for LNRE models (zipfR)
The finite Zipf-Mandelbrot (fZM) LNRE Model (zipfR)
The Generalized Inverse Gauss-Poisson (GIGP) LNRE Model (zipfR)
Goodness-of-fit Evaluation of LNRE Models (zipfR)
Measures of Productivity and Lexical Richness (zipfR)
Compute Expected Frequency Spectrum of LNRE Model (zipfR)
Technical Details of LNRE Model Objects (zipfR)
Expected Vocabulary Growth Curves of LNRE Model (zipfR)
The Zipf-Mandelbrot (ZM) LNRE Model (zipfR)
Merging Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Access Methods for Observed Frequency Data (zipfR)
Access Methods for Frequency Spectra (zipfR)
Access Methods for Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Access Methods for Vocabulary Growth Curves (zipfR)
Plot LNRE Population Distribution (zipfR)
Plot Word Frequency Spectra (zipfR)
Plot Type-Frequency List / Zipf Ranking (zipfR)
Plot Vocabulary Growth Curves (zipfR)
Posterior Distribution of LNRE Model (zipfR)
Printing LNRE Models (zipfR)
Printing Frequency Spectra (zipfR)
Printing Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Printing Vocabulary Growth Curves (zipfR)
Measures of Productivity and Lexical Richness (zipfR)
Reading Multiple Objects from Files (zipfR)
Loading and Saving Frequency Spectra (zipfR)
Loading and Saving Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Loading and Saving Vocabulary Growth Curves (zipfR)
Incremental Samples from a Frequency Spectrum (zipfR)
Incremental Samples from a Type Frequency List (zipfR)
Frequency Spectra (zipfR)
Expected Frequency Spectrum by Binomial Interpolation (zipfR)
Create Vector of Spectrum Elements (zipfR)
Convert Between Frequency Spectra and Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)
Tiger NP and PP expansions (zipfR)
Type-Token Statistics for Samples and Empirical Data (zipfR)
Vocabulary Growth Curves (zipfR)
Expected Vocabulary Growth by Binomial Interpolation (zipfR)
Variances of the Expected Frequency Spectrum (zipfR)
zipfR: lexical statistics in R
Set or Query Graphics Parameters (zipfR)
Plotting Utilities (zipfR)
Statistical models and utilities for the analysis of word frequency distributions. The utilities include functions for loading, manipulating and visualizing word frequency data and vocabulary growth curves. The package also implements several statistical models for the distribution of word frequencies in a population. (The name of this package derives from the most famous word frequency distribution, Zipf's law.)