Find sample data sets available in R packages
Biodiversity data for six European forests
navigation Bayesian Network
Edited Barra data set in Jan. 2010.
Nutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals
Example data for Closed Robust Design Multistrata
Data: Depression and Anxiety (Time 2)
Biogas Volume and Methane Content from Batch Bottles
Example of new acoustic telemetry detection data
Data for the Dietary fat example in Dias et al. (2011)
Simulated multivariate functional data for method FADPclust
FIV infection in cats.
Randomly sampled exposure from Colorado counties
Initial Soil Organic Nitrogen Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
Data from toxicology experiments with selenium
Infestation of carrots by fly larvae
R Data set: ex16.43
Data generated from a mixture of two multivariate Normal distributions...
The result of running spip in the species_1_simulation vignette with 1...
Uniformity trial of safflower
Effect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents
Heart rates of patients on different drug treatments
Time-series of the length of lower first molar for the Cantius lineage
RCB experiment of rice, 12 varieties with leafhopper survival
Multi-environment trial of wheat
Verbal Paired-Associates Memory Test (VPMT)
Carbon, C. C. (2013), data set #1
True parameters used to simulate the datasets data.xllim
and `data.x...
1979-1980 Season Results
An agricultural split plot design
Open.question (data)
Letter Code Lookup Table for Position of Taxa within the Keys to Soil ...
Recruitment time-series for Rainbow Smelt in Lake Erie, 1977-1996.
Mortality score betas
Drivers of China's Peace Engagement in Conflict-affected Countries
Simulated high-dimensional functional time series
Gene/Drug response dataset
State of the Union Address Text
ICD-10-CM code
Volt meter experiment data from Chapter 3
Ghana School Attendance Indicator data
Blatter's Reign At FIFA Hasn't Helped Soccer's Poor
European day hospital evaluation
Lymphoma Gene Expression Dataset
Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX) index data
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) biomarker study.
Data Set for Problem 8-3