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Multiple Birth Rate data by year and race of mother
Incremento anual en area basal de cuatro especies arboreas.
U.S. Economic Variables
NBA 2016-2017 season
Matrix with 4 unknown Raman spectra of plastic polymers
United Kingdom Population
Data Sets for the Study of the Species-Area Relationship
permaBN Bayesian Network
The Dramatic U.S. Presidential Election of 2000
clickableImageMap data sets
Jazz musicians network dataset
Data of Grain yield of rice variety IR8
Single note articulations and syntax
Deep Vein Thrombosis Study
Dohle and Siegrist (2014, Exp 1) illustrating within-subject analysis ...
PeMSD7 on workday
clickableImageMap data sets
Observed and simulated flows for a single location
Output of QCLscan after 5000 permutations on the metabolite expression...
Scoring rules for the rated data
Simulated temporal network data
Synthetic dataset with right-censored survival response
EMMFnegger (2011)
Metabolomics data set
Growth of Paramecium aurelium
NLSY97 Substance Use Data
Live fuel moisture content
Global Terrorism Database yearly summaries
Weight gain data.
Influenza and meningococcal infections in Germany, 2001-2006
Engel Data
Cigarette smoking and mortality
SOWC Maternal and Newborn Health Data.
R Data set: ex11.15
Simple outlines of world countries
Data from simulation of hurricane Isabel
This is an example data in csmpv
Luminance Calibration Data from Video Projector
Data for 20 metropolitan areas
R Data set: ex13.69
Siegel's Exact Fit Example Data
Male Suicides Data
ACS 1-year 2015 file segment and table lookup data
Octane numbers and NIR spectra of gasoline
Normalized glioblastoma profile for chromosome 13
Value weighted Fama-French portfolio returns data.
Seoul Subway Ridership Data