Find sample data sets available in R packages
Extended selection table of Phaethornis longirostris songs
Slopes for each flux
A simulated data set for testing
Quasi-binomial data (example 1)
Repeated Measures Two-way ANOVA Example Data
Droplets containing microbeads
Data for different experimental designs
Evaporation experiment data
Openness to Change (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
Initial Soil Organic Carbon Data for Yasso using Multiple Sites
Arabidopsis data corrected for spatial trends.
Lake Ontario data
chr7 peaks
Characteristics of 30,000 policyholders in a Motor Third Party Liabili...
Number of migrating Great tits
Landmark data from frog humerus
Subset Dataset for Training the Pre-Trained Deep Neural Network (DNN)
Data Set for Problem 13-7
Toenail data
Optimum RGB Green/Red two-sided color scale in LAB color space.
Example CW-OSL curve data for the package Luminescence
Science word list
Synthetic image of a pepper plant with peppers
Selvin data, 1940
Number of trials (implantations) in data of Luning, et al. (1966)
Heating and Cooling System Choice in Newly Built Houses in California
data_ex_genind genetic dataset
Wind Road and Pad (120m) Example
delta_t201 example vector
Datos simulados de dos muestras tomadas en periodos de tiempo distinto...
Example multivariate data set
Closing prices for power futures contracts at trading date 2013-05-13
Pedigree of the sires from mastitis
Catholic stance
Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds.
Example output dataset of polyRAD::PipelineMapping2Parents function
Acifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor.
Chromosomal lengths for build 38
One-mode network of Lord of the Rings character interactions
2007-08 FPED Data
Distribution of of tropical trees along the Panama canal
WHO Monica Data
Ratio of dry to wet wheat (RDWW).
Recurrent Bleeding from Ulcers
Pew Research Center poll on health care, including question variants
Periodic Table of the Elements
Personal robberies in Memphis in January 2019
Genetic distances and coordinates of haplogroup R1b1b2 populations in ...