Find sample data sets available in R packages
Undergraduate examination data
The text of Jane Austen's novel "Northanger Abbey"
Example marker data from Seurat::FindAllMarkers()
Genetic Links to Left-handedness
concrete Bayesian Networks
Toy datasets for approximator package
Listeria growth in experiment with mice
Woodcock Johnson IV: ages 9 to 13
A sample thermal image to demonstrate thermal colour palette use.
Multivari Plot Sample Dataset 1
Pulse Rates at Various Times of Day
Eddy covariance data from Gebesee crop site, Germany
soft-drinks data
R Data set: ex06.06
Production of Rice in India
Phylocom default data
Ecological inference data sets of the 2005 New Zealand General Electio...
Data from Experiment 2 in if(!exists(".Rdpack.currefs")) .Rdpack.curre...
Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Points
Cadmium concentrations measured by AAS as reported by Rocke and Lorenz...
Coal ash in mining samples
Participants responses in the study by Harrison et al., "Ranking Visua...
Leadbeater's Possums
Agricultural Production in Mazulu Village
This holds lines to a driver file created by the large-scale vignette
Example data from Hall et al. (2018)
Appeal to Womanhood Throughout the World
Longley's Regression Data
This is a dataset structured for building figures using forest.plot
Graduation Rates for Student Athletes in the Southeastern Conf.
Pacific cod in Area 5ABCD (Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound), B...
Simulated pancreas data with vital status information
Gene expression data for testing
Sensory description of 12 orange juices by 8 attributes.
Quarterly Closing Value of Dow Jones Industrial Average
One year of heart rates of a capricorn free-living in the alps.
Simulated Metal Contents
Synthetic data for PGSC testing.
Artificial point data.
Simulated data shown in Figure 10.11 (dashed line) in Applied Time Ser...
Chicago insurance redlining
Data set on attachment anxiety in 3-person families (based on Cook, 20...
Data climatic stations in Croatia.
Composite data: A testing set
Quarterly Australian Electricity production
List of Relatedness Coefficients