plotBar function

Bar graph

Bar graph

This function draws a bar graph of the values of variable 'Yvar' with the categorical variable 'Xvar' on the x-axis.

Expects aggregated data.

plotBar( .data, xvar = "XLabel", xlabel = "", yvar = "YValue", ylabel = "", fill_color = EcdcColors(col_scale = "qual", n = 1) )


  • .data: dataframe containing the variables to plot
  • xvar: character string, name of the variable to plot on the x-axis in quotes (default "XLabel")
  • xlabel: character string, label of the x axis
  • yvar: character string, name of the variable to plot on the y-axis in quotes (default "YValue")
  • ylabel: character string, label of the y axis
  • fill_color: character string, hexadecimal colour to use in the graph; (default to ECDC green "#65B32E", see EcdcColors(col_scale = "qual", n = 1))


# --- Create dummy data mydat <- data.frame(AgeGroup = c("0-25", "26-65", "65+"), NumberOfCases = c(54,32,41)) # --- Plot the dummy data plotBar(mydat, xvar = "AgeGroup", xlabel = "Age", yvar = "NumberOfCases", ylabel = "Number of cases")

See Also

Global function: getAgeGender

Internal function: EcdcColors

Required Packages: ggplot2