plotPie function

Pie chart

Pie chart

This function draws a pie chart of the values of variable 'Xvar' with the labels from the categorical variable 'Labels'.

Expects aggregated data.

plotPie( .data, xvar = "", labels = "", fill_colors = EcdcColors(col_scale = "qual", n = nrow(.data)) )


  • .data: dataframe containing the variables to plot
  • xvar: character string, name of the numerical variable to plot in quotes
  • labels: character string, name of the character variable including the corresponding labels
  • fill_colors: vector of character strings, hexadecimal colours to use for each labels in the piechart; the vector should contain the exact number of categories defined in "labels" variable. (default to ECDC colors, see EcdcColors(col_scale = "qual", n = nrow(.data)))


# --- Create dummy data piechart <- data.frame(Labels = c("Heterosexual females", "Heterosexual males", "MSM", "Unknow"), Values = c(1633,2937,15342,2854)) # --- Plot the dummy data plotPie(piechart, xvar = "Values", labels = "Labels")

See Also

Internal function: EcdcColors

Required Packages: ggplot2