shapeECDCFlexTable function

Shaping the final table (layout, title, color, font)

Shaping the final table (layout, title, color, font)

Shaping the final table including titles, adding background color, specifying font name and size.

shapeECDCFlexTable(ft, headers, fsize, fname, maincolor, lastbold)


  • ft: flextable (see 'flextable' package), table to shape into ECDC table layout
  • headers: dataframe including the multiple headers to add to the flextable object. Please note that the column col_keys should contain the names of the flextable object (i.e. col_key = names(x)), accordingly to set_header_df.
  • fsize: numeric, font to use (Default 7)
  • fname: character, font name (Default "Tahoma")
  • maincolor: character string, hexadecimal code for the header background color (Default EcdcColors(col_scale = "green", n=1))
  • lastbold: bolean, last row in bold (Default TRUE), usually used when the last row includes totals (EU/EEA totals)


flextable object (see flextable package)

See Also

Global function: getTableByMS

Required package flextable