Download Geospatial Data Available from Several Federated Data Sources
Download the 1-km DAYMET daily weather dataset for a region as a netcd...
Download the daily data for a GHCN weather station.
Download the latest version of the ITRDB.
Download a zipped directory containing a shapefile of the SSURGO study...
Download a zipped directory containing the spatial and tabular data fo...
Extract data from a SSURGO database pertaining to a set of mapunits.
Download and crop the 1-km DAYMET v4 daily weather dataset.
Download and extract the daily data for a GHCN weather station.
Download and crop the Global Historical Climate Network-Daily data.
Download and crop the inventory of GHCN stations.
Download the latest version of the ITRDB, and extract given parameters...
A basic plotting function for NHD data.
Turn an extent object into a polygon
Read chronology data from a Tucson-format chronology file.
Read metadata from a Tucson-format chronology file.
Read a Tucson-format chronology file.
Replace NULLs
Get a logical vector of which elements in a vector are sequentially du...
Submit a Soil Data Access (SDA) Query
Splits a bbox into a list of bboxes less than a certain size
Convert a list of station data to a single data frame.
Get the rightmost 'n' characters of a character string.
Unwraps a matrix and only keep the first n elements.
Strip query parameters from a URL
Scaffolds the common pattern of selecting a layer and filter a geometr...
Scaffolds the common pattern of selecting a layer and filter a geometr...
Check whether a web service is unavailable, and stop function if neces...
Use curl to download a file.
Download and crop the NASS Cropland Data Layer.
Load and crop tile from the 1 (~30 meter) or 1/3 (~10 meter) arc-secon...
Download and crop the 1 (~30 meter) or 1/3 (~10 meter) arc-second Nati...
Download and crop the National Hydrography Dataset.
Download and crop the Annual National Land Cover Database.
Download and crop the National Land Cover Database.
Download and crop the PAD-US Dataset.
Download and crop a shapefile of the SSURGO study areas.
Download and crop the spatial and tabular data for a SSURGO study area...
Download and crop data from the NRCS SSURGO soils database.
Download and crop the Watershed Boundary Dataset.
Pipe operator
Download geospatial data available from several federated data sources (mainly sources maintained by the US Federal government). Currently, the package enables extraction from nine datasets: The National Elevation Dataset digital elevation models (<> 1 and 1/3 arc-second; USGS); The National Hydrography Dataset (<>; USGS); The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database from the National Cooperative Soil Survey (<>; NCSS), which is led by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) under the USDA; the Global Historical Climatology Network (<>; GHCN), coordinated by National Climatic Data Center at NOAA; the Daymet gridded estimates of daily weather parameters for North America, version 4, available from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Distributed Active Archive Center (<>; DAAC); the International Tree Ring Data Bank; the National Land Cover Database (<>; NLCD); the Cropland Data Layer from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (<>; NASS); and the PAD-US dataset of protected area boundaries (<>; USGS).
Useful links