These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of Matrix only and may be defunct as soon as the next release.
## Deprecated in 1.5-4..2dge(from).C2nC(from, isTri).T2Cmat(from, isTri).asmatrix(x).dense2sy(from,...).diag2mat(from).diag2sT(from, uplo ="U", kind =".", drop0 =TRUE).diag2tT(from, uplo ="U", kind =".", drop0 =TRUE).dsy2dsp(from).dsy2mat(from, keep.dimnames =TRUE).dxC2mat(from, chkUdiag).m2dgC(from).m2lgC(from).m2ngC(from).m2ngCn(from,, Deprecated in 1.5-0## S4 method for signature 'RsparseMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ddenseMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ddiMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ddiMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ddiMatrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dgeMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dsRMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,lsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsCMatrix,nsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsTMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsTMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsTMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsTMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsTMatrix,lsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dspMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dspMatrix,lspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsyMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsyMatrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsyMatrix,dspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dsyMatrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,ltCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtCMatrix,ntCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtTMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtTMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtTMatrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtTMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtpMatrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtpMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtpMatrix,ltpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtrMatrix,dtpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'dtrMatrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'indMatrix,ngTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'indMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgCMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgCMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgCMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgCMatrix,ltCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgTMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgTMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgTMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgTMatrix,lsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgTMatrix,ltTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,lspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,ltpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lgeMatrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsCMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsCMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsCMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsCMatrix,lsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsTMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsTMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsTMatrix,lsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsTMatrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lspMatrix,dspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lspMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lspMatrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsyMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsyMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'lsyMatrix,lspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltCMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltCMatrix,ltTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltTMatrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltTMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltTMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltTMatrix,ltCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltTMatrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltpMatrix,dtpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltpMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltpMatrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltrMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltrMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ltrMatrix,ltpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dgRMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dtpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ltCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ltTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ltpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ngTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,nspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,nsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ntCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ntTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ntpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'matrix,ntrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngCMatrix,dgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngCMatrix,lgCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngCMatrix,ntCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,dgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,lgTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngTMatrix,ntTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,lgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,ngTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,nspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,nsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,ntpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ngeMatrix,ntrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsCMatrix,dsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsCMatrix,lsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsCMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsCMatrix,nsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsTMatrix,dsTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsTMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsTMatrix,ngTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsTMatrix,nsCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsTMatrix,nsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nspMatrix,dspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nspMatrix,lspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nspMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nspMatrix,nsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsyMatrix,dsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsyMatrix,lsyMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsyMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'nsyMatrix,nspMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntCMatrix,dtCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntCMatrix,ltCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntCMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntTMatrix,dtTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntTMatrix,ngCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntTMatrix,ngTMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntTMatrix,ntCMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntTMatrix,ntrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntpMatrix,dtpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntpMatrix,ltpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntpMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntpMatrix,ntrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntrMatrix,dtrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntrMatrix,ltrMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntrMatrix,ngeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'ntrMatrix,ntpMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)## S4 method for signature 'numLike,dgeMatrix'coerce(from, to, strict =TRUE)