Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods
Class "abIndex" of Abstract Index Vectors
Sequence Generation of "abIndex", Abstract Index Vectors
Matrix Package Methods for Function all.equal()
Standardize a Sparse Matrix in Triplet Format
Extract bands of a matrix
Construct Sparse Banded Matrix from (Sup-/Super-) Diagonals
Construct a Block Diagonal Matrix
Boolean Arithmetic Matrix Products: %&%
and Methods
Dense Bunch-Kaufman Factorizations
Methods for Bunch-Kaufman Factorization
'cbind()' and 'rbind()' recursively built on cbind2/rbind2
Sparse Cholesky Factorizations
Compute the Cholesky Factor of a Matrix
Inverse from Cholesky Factor
Dense Cholesky Factorizations
Methods for Cholesky Factorization
Conversions "graph" <--> (sparse) Matrix
Sparse Matrix Coercion from and to those from package SparseM
Form Row and Column Sums and Means
Compute Approximate CONDition number and 1-Norm of (Large) Matrices
Class "CsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Column-compressed Form
Virtual Class "ddenseMatrix" of Numeric Dense Matrices
Class "ddiMatrix" of Diagonal Numeric Matrices
Dense LU Factorizations
Virtual Class "denseMatrix" of All Dense Matrices
Compressed, sparse, column-oriented numeric matrices
Class "dgeMatrix" of Dense Numeric (S4 Class) Matrices
Sparse Compressed, Row-oriented Numeric Matrices
Sparse matrices in triplet form
Construct a Diagonal Matrix
Class "diagonalMatrix" of Diagonal Matrices
Transform Triangular Matrices from Unit Triangular to General Triangul...
Scale the Rows and Columns of a Matrix
(Virtual) Class "dMatrix" of "double" Matrices
Dulmage-Mendelsohn Permutation / Decomposition
Positive Semi-definite Dense (Packed | Non-packed) Numeric Matrices
Drop Non-Structural Zeros from a Sparse Matrix
Numeric Symmetric Sparse (column compressed) Matrices
Virtual Class "dsparseMatrix" of Numeric Sparse Matrices
Symmetric Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
Symmetric Dense (Packed or Unpacked) Numeric Matrices
Triangular, (compressed) sparse column matrices
Packed Triangular Dense Matrices - "dtpMatrix"
Triangular, dense, numeric matrices
Triangular Sparse Compressed Row Matrices
Expand Matrix Factorizations
Matrix Exponential
Read and write external matrix formats
Multiplication by Factors from Matrix Factorizations
Low Level Coercions and Methods
Force a Matrix to 'symmetricMatrix' Without Symmetry Checks
Formatting Sparse Numeric Matrices Utilities
Class "generalMatrix" of General Matrices
Generate a Hilbert matrix
Methods for image() in Package 'Matrix'
Virtual Class index of Index Vectors
Index Matrices
Utilities for Permutation Vectors, is.finite() Methods for 'Matrix' Objects
Are the Dimnames dn
NULL-like ?
Methods for Function 'isSymmetric' in Package 'Matrix'
Test whether a Matrix is Triangular or Diagonal
Khatri-Rao Matrix Product
Methods for Function 'kronecker()' in Package 'Matrix'
Virtual Class "ldenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
Class "ldiMatrix" of Diagonal Logical Matrices
Class "lgeMatrix" of General Dense Logical Matrices
Sparse logical matrices
Symmetric Dense Logical Matrices
Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
Methods for LU Factorization
Map Matrix to its Triplet Representation
Matrix (Cross) Products (of Transpose)
Virtual Class "Matrix" of Matrices
Defunct Functions in Package Matrix
Deprecated Functions in Package Matrix
Virtual Classes Not Yet Really Implemented and Used
Construct a Classed Matrix
The Matrix (Super-) Class of a Class
Virtual Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
Virtual Class "ndenseMatrix" of Dense Logical Matrices
Nearest Positive Definite Matrix
Class "ngeMatrix" of General Dense Nonzero-pattern Matrices
Class "nMatrix" of Non-zero Pattern Matrices
The Number of Non-Zero Values of a Matrix
Matrix Norms
Sparse "pattern" Matrices
Symmetric Dense Nonzero-Pattern Matrices
Triangular Dense Logical Matrices
Representation of Packed and Unpacked Dense Matrices
Virtual Class "packedMatrix"
of Packed Dense Matrices
Permutation matrices
Format and Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly
Methods for QR Factorization
Rank of a Matrix
Estimate the Reciprocal Condition Number
Replicate Vectors into 'abIndex' Result
Class "rleDiff" of rle(diff(.)) Stored Vectors
Class "RsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Row-compressed Form
Random Sparse Matrix
Schur Factorizations
Methods for Schur Factorization
Methods in Package Matrix
for Function solve
Construct Sparse Design / Model Matrices
Sparse LU Factorizations
Virtual Class "sparseMatrix" --- Mother of Sparse Matrices
General Sparse Matrix Construction from Nonzero Entries
Sparse QR Factorizations
Sparse Vector Classes
Sparse Vector Construction from Nonzero Entries
Sparse Matrix Constructor From Triplet
Methods for "[<-" - Assigning to Subsets for 'Matrix'
Methods for "[": Extraction or Subsetting in Package 'Matrix'
Virtual Class of Symmetric Matrices in Package Matrix
Symmetric Part and Skew(symmetric) Part of a Matrix
Virtual Class of Triangular Matrices in Package Matrix
Class "TsparseMatrix" of Sparse Matrices in Triplet Form
Virtual Class "unpackedMatrix"
of Unpacked Dense Matrices
Updating and Downdating Sparse Cholesky Factorizations
A rich hierarchy of sparse and dense matrix classes, including general, symmetric, triangular, and diagonal matrices with numeric, logical, or pattern entries. Efficient methods for operating on such matrices, often wrapping the 'BLAS', 'LAPACK', and 'SuiteSparse' libraries.
Useful links