qr-methods function

Methods for QR Factorization

Methods for QR Factorization

Computes the pivoted QR factorization of an mbynm-by-n

real matrix AA, which has the general form [REMOVE_ME]P1AP2=QRP1AP2=QR[REMOVEME2] P_{1} A P_{2} = Q RP1 * A * P2 = Q * R [REMOVE_ME_2]

or (equivalently) [REMOVE_ME]A=P1QRP2A=P1QRP2[REMOVEME2] A = P_{1}' Q R P_{2}'A = P1' * Q * R * P2' [REMOVE_ME_2]

where P1P1 and P2P2 are permutation matrices, Q=prod(Hj:j=1,...,n)Q = prod(Hj : j = 1,...,n)

is an mbymm-by-m orthogonal matrix equal to the product of nn Householder matrices HjHj, and RR is an mbynm-by-n upper trapezoidal matrix.

denseMatrix use the default method implemented in base, namely qr.default. It is built on LINPACK routine dqrdc and LAPACK routine dgeqp3, which do not pivot rows, so that P1P1 is an identity matrix.

Methods for sparseMatrix are built on CXSparse routines cs_sqr and cs_qr, which require m>=nm >= n.



Computes the pivoted QR factorization of an mbynm-by-n

real matrix AA, which has the general form

P1AP2=QRP1AP2=QR P_{1} A P_{2} = Q RP1 * A * P2 = Q * R

or (equivalently)

A=P1QRP2A=P1QRP2 A = P_{1}' Q R P_{2}'A = P1' * Q * R * P2'

where P1P1 and P2P2 are permutation matrices, Q=prod(Hj:j=1,...,n)Q = prod(Hj : j = 1,...,n)

is an mbymm-by-m orthogonal matrix equal to the product of nn Householder matrices HjHj, and RR is an mbynm-by-n upper trapezoidal matrix.

denseMatrix use the default method implemented in base, namely qr.default. It is built on LINPACK routine dqrdc and LAPACK routine dgeqp3, which do not pivot rows, so that P1P1 is an identity matrix.

Methods for sparseMatrix are built on CXSparse routines cs_sqr and cs_qr, which require m>=nm >= n.

qr(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'dgCMatrix' qr(x, order = 3L, ...)


  • x: a finite matrix or Matrix to be factorized, satisfying nrow(x) >= ncol(x) if sparse.

  • order: an integer in 0:3 passed to CXSparse routine cs_sqr, indicating a strategy for choosing the column permutation P2P2. 0 means no column permutation. 1, 2, and 3 indicate a fill-reducing ordering of A+AA + A', A A A~' * A~, and AAA' * A, where A A~ is AA with dense rows removed. Do not set to 0 unless you know that the column order of AA

    is already sensible.

  • ...: further arguments passed to or from methods.


An object representing the factorization, inheriting from virtual S4 class QR or S3 class qr. The specific class is qr

unless x inherits from virtual class sparseMatrix, in which case it is sparseQR.


If x is sparse and structurally rank deficient, having structural rank r<nr < n, then x is augmented with (nr)(n-r) rows of (partly non-structural) zeros, such that the augmented matrix has structural rank nn. This augmented matrix is factorized as described above:

P1AP2=P1[A00]P2=QRP1AP2=P1[A0;0]P2=QR P_1 A P_2 = P_1 \begin{bmatrix} A_{0} \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} P_2 = Q RP1 * A * P2 = P1 * [A0; 0] * P2 = Q * R

where A0A0 denotes the original, user-supplied (m(nr))byn(m-(n-r))-by-n matrix.

See Also

Class sparseQR and its methods.

Class dgCMatrix.

Generic function qr from base, whose default method qr.default defines

the S3 class qr of dense QR factorizations.

Generic functions expand1 and expand2, for constructing matrix factors from the result.

Generic functions Cholesky, BunchKaufman, Schur, and lu, for computing other factorizations.


Davis, T. A. (2006). Direct methods for sparse linear systems. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1137/1.9780898718881")

Golub, G. H., & Van Loan, C. F. (2013). Matrix computations (4th ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.56021/9781421407944")


showMethods("qr", inherited = FALSE) ## Rank deficient: columns 3 {b2} and 6 {c3} are "extra" M <- as(cbind(a1 = 1, b1 = rep(c(1, 0), each = 3L), b2 = rep(c(0, 1), each = 3L), c1 = rep(c(1, 0, 0), 2L), c2 = rep(c(0, 1, 0), 2L), c3 = rep(c(0, 0, 1), 2L)), "CsparseMatrix") rownames(M) <- paste0("r", seq_len(nrow(M))) b <- 1:6 eps <- .Machine$double.eps ## .... [1] full rank .................................................. ## ===> a least squares solution of A x = b exists ## and is unique _in exact arithmetic_ (A1 <- M[, -c(3L, 6L)]) (qr.A1 <- qr(A1)) stopifnot(exprs = { rankMatrix(A1) == ncol(A1) { d1 <- abs(diag(qr.A1@R)); sum(d1 < max(d1) * eps) == 0L } rcond(crossprod(A1)) >= eps all.equal(qr.coef(qr.A1, b), drop(solve(crossprod(A1), crossprod(A1, b)))) all.equal(qr.fitted(qr.A1, b) + qr.resid(qr.A1, b), b) }) ## .... [2] numerically rank deficient with full structural rank ....... ## ===> a least squares solution of A x = b does not ## exist or is not unique _in exact arithmetic_ (A2 <- M) (qr.A2 <- qr(A2)) stopifnot(exprs = { rankMatrix(A2) == ncol(A2) - 2L { d2 <- abs(diag(qr.A2@R)); sum(d2 < max(d2) * eps) == 2L } rcond(crossprod(A2)) < eps ## 'qr.coef' computes unique least squares solution of "nearby" problem ## Z x = b for some full rank Z ~ A, currently without warning {FIXME} ! tryCatch({ qr.coef(qr.A2, b); TRUE }, condition = function(x) FALSE) all.equal(qr.fitted(qr.A2, b) + qr.resid(qr.A2, b), b) }) ## .... [3] numerically and structurally rank deficient ................ ## ===> factorization of _augmented_ matrix with ## full structural rank proceeds as in [2] ## NB: implementation details are subject to change; see (*) below A3 <- M A3[, c(3L, 6L)] <- 0 A3 (qr.A3 <- qr(A3)) # with a warning ... "additional 2 row(s) of zeros" stopifnot(exprs = { ## sparseQR object preserves the unaugmented dimensions (*) dim(qr.A3 ) == dim(A3) dim(qr.A3@V) == dim(A3) + c(2L, 0L) dim(qr.A3@R) == dim(A3) + c(2L, 0L) ## The augmented matrix remains numerically rank deficient rankMatrix(A3) == ncol(A3) - 2L { d3 <- abs(diag(qr.A3@R)); sum(d3 < max(d3) * eps) == 2L } rcond(crossprod(A3)) < eps }) ## Auxiliary functions accept and return a vector or matrix ## with dimensions corresponding to the unaugmented matrix (*), ## in all cases with a warning qr.coef (qr.A3, b) qr.fitted(qr.A3, b) qr.resid (qr.A3, b) ## .... [4] yet more examples .......................................... ## By disabling column pivoting, one gets the "vanilla" factorization ## A = Q~ R, where Q~ := P1' Q is orthogonal because P1 and Q are (qr.A1.pp <- qr(A1, order = 0L)) # partial pivoting ae1 <- function(a, b, ...) all.equal(as(a, "matrix"), as(b, "matrix"), ...) ae2 <- function(a, b, ...) ae1(unname(a), unname(b), ...) stopifnot(exprs = { length(qr.A1 @q) == ncol(A1) length(qr.A1.pp@q) == 0L # indicating no column pivoting ae2(A1[, qr.A1@q + 1L], qr.Q(qr.A1 ) %*% qr.R(qr.A1 )) ae2(A1 , qr.Q(qr.A1.pp) %*% qr.R(qr.A1.pp)) })
  • Maintainer: Martin Maechler
  • License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE
  • Last published: 2025-03-11