Utility Functions for Production R Code
API keys for data services.
Create one or more unique locationIDs
Create a mask of valid locations
Create a POSIXct date range
Create a POSIXct date sequence
Manage appenders for loggers
Manage logger layouts
Manage loggers
Get API key
Find all links in an html page
Find all tables in an html page
Initialize standard log files
Lint a source file's function arguments
Load R data from URL or local file
Python-style logging statements
Python-style logging statements
Python-style logging statements
Python-style logging statements
Check for initialization of loggers
Set console log level
Set up python-style logging
Python-style logging statements
Python-style logging statements
Log levels
Manage the size of a cache
MazamaCoreUtils: Utility Functions for Production R Code
Run package checks
Parse datetime strings
Pipe operator
Set APIKey
Set a variable to a default value if it is NULL
Show API keys
Stop if an object is NULL
Error message generator
Data pronoun for tidy evaluation
Create a POSIXct time range
Character representation of a POSIXct
Rules for timezone linting.
Validate longitude and latitude values
Validate longitude and latitude vectors
A suite of utility functions providing functionality commonly needed for production level projects such as logging, error handling, cache management and date-time parsing. Functions for date-time parsing and formatting require that time zones be specified explicitly, avoiding a common source of error when working with environmental time series.
Useful links