deleteOMLObject function

Delete an OpenML object.

Delete an OpenML object.

This will delete one of your uploaded datasets, tasks, flows or runs. Note that you can only delete the objects you uploaded.

deleteOMLObject( id, object = c("data", "task", "flow", "run", "study"), verbosity = NULL )


  • id: [integer(1)]

    The ID of the respective object.

  • object: [character(1)]

    A character that specifies the object you want to delete from the server. Can be either "data", "task", "flow" or "run".

  • verbosity: [integer(1)]

    Print verbose output on console? Possible values are:

    0: normal output,

    1: info output,

    2: debug output.

    Default is set via setOMLConfig.

See Also

Other data set-related functions: OMLDataSetDescription, OMLDataSet, convertMlrTaskToOMLDataSet(), convertOMLDataSetToMlr(), getOMLDataSet(), listOMLDataSets(), tagOMLObject(), uploadOMLDataSet()

Other task-related functions: convertOMLTaskToMlr(), getOMLTask(), listOMLTaskTypes(), listOMLTasks(), makeOMLTask(), tagOMLObject()

Other flow-related functions: convertOMLFlowToMlr(), getOMLFlow(), listOMLFlows(), makeOMLFlowParameter(), makeOMLFlow(), tagOMLObject()

Other run-related functions: convertOMLMlrRunToBMR(), convertOMLRunToBMR(), getOMLRun(), listOMLRuns(), makeOMLRunParameter(), makeOMLRun(), tagOMLObject(), uploadOMLRun()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19