Open Machine Learning and Open Data Platform
Converts an OMLFlow to an mlr learner.
Converts a mlr task to an OpenML data set.
Convert an OpenML data set to mlr task.
Converts a flow to a mlr learner.
Convert OMLMlrRun
s to a BenchmarkResult
Convert an OpenML run set to a benchmark result for mlr.
Do chunked listings
Clear cache directories
OpenML configuration.
Convert an OpenML task to mlr.
Delete an OpenML object.
Perform an API call to the OpenML server.
Download an OpenML Object.
Extract IDs of a OMLStudy object
Check status of cached datasets.
Get OpenML configuration.
Get an OpenML data set.
List available OpenML qualities with values for given data set.
Download an OpenML flow.
Get an OpenML run.
Extract OMLRunParList from run
Extract OMLSeedParList from run
Get OpenML Study information.
Get an OpenML task.
List available OpenML qualities names.
List the first 5000 OpenML data sets.
List available estimation procedures.
List available OpenML evaluation measures.
List all registered OpenML flows.
List run results of a task.
List the first 5000 OpenML runs.
List hyperparameter settings
list OpenML Studies.
List the first 5000 OpenML tasks.
List available OpenML task types.
Load OpenML configuration.
Construct OMLEstimationProcedure.
Construct OMLFlow.
Construct OMLFlowParameter.
Construct OMLRun.
Construct OMLRunParameter.
Construct OMLRunParList.
Construct OMLSeedParList
Construct OMLTask.
Construct OMLDataSetDescription.
Download a bunch of OpenML objects to cache.
Reproduce the Run
Run mlr learner on OpenML task.
Saves a list of OpenML configuration settings to file.
Settter for configuration settings.
Tagging of OpenML objects
Upload a data set to the OpenML server.
Upload an OpenML.
Upload an OpenML run.
Upload OpenML Study information.
Upload a task to the OpenML server.
We provide an R interface to '' which is an online machine learning platform where researchers can access open data, download and upload data sets, share their machine learning tasks and experiments and organize them online to work and collaborate with other researchers. The R interface allows to query for data sets with specific properties, and allows the downloading and uploading of data sets, tasks, flows and runs. See <> for more information.