makeOMLFlow function

Construct OMLFlow.

Construct OMLFlow.

More details about the elements of a OMLFlow can be found in the documentation.

makeOMLFlow( = NA_integer_, uploader = NA_integer_, name, version = NA_character_, external.version = NA_character_, description, creator = NA_character_, contributor = NA_character_, = NA_character_, licence = NA_character_, language = "English", full.description = NA_character_, installation.notes = NA_character_, dependencies = NA_character_, bibliographical.reference = NULL, implements = NA_character_, parameters = NULL, components = NULL, qualities = NULL, tags = NA_character_, source.url = NA_character_, binary.url = NA_character_, source.format = NA_character_, binary.format = NA_character_, source.md5 = NA_character_, binary.md5 = NA_character_, source.path = NA_character_, binary.path = NA_character_, object = NULL )


  • [integer(1)]

    ID of the flow. Generated by the server, based on name and version of the flow. Ignored when uploaded manually.

  • uploader: [integer(1)]

    The user that uploaded the flow. Added by the server. Ignored when uploaded manually.

  • name: [character(1)]

    The name of the flow. Name-version combinations should be unique.

    Allowed characters: () [] a-z A-Z 0-9 . _ - +

  • version: [character(1)]

    The version of the flow. Default is 1.0. Ignored at upload time.

  • external.version: [character(1)]

    An external version, defined by the user. In combination with the name, it must be unique.

  • description: [character(1)]

    A user description of the flow.

  • creator: [character]

    Optional. The persons/institutions that created the flow.

  • contributor: [character]

    Optional. (Minor) contributors to the workflow

  • [character(1)]

    The date on which the flow was uploaded.

    Format YYYY-mm-ddThh:MM:SS. Added by the server. Ignored when uploaded manually.

  • licence: [character(1)]

    Optional. Default is none, meaning Public Domain or "don't know/care".

  • language: [character(1)]

    Optional. Starts with one upper case letter, rest is lower case. Default is English.

  • full.description: [character(1)]

    Optional. Full description of the workflow, e.g, man pages filled in by tool. This is a much more elaborate description than given in the 'description field'. It may include information about all components of the workflow.

  • installation.notes: [character(1)]

    Optional. Additional hints on how to run the flow.

  • dependencies: [character(1)]

    Optional. The dependencies of the flow.

  • bibliographical.reference: [list]

    An optional list containing information on bibliographical references in form of OMLBibRef.

  • implements: [character(1)]

    Ontological reference.

  • parameters: [list]

    The parameters of the flow. A list containing OMLFlowParameters.

  • components: [list]

    A list containing OMLFlows. Typically components of a workflow or subfunctions of an algorithm (e.g. kernels). Components can have their own parameters.

  • qualities: [list]

    Qualities of the algorithm. Each member of the list is an OMLFlowQuality.

  • tags: [character]

    Tags describing the algorithm.

  • source.url: [character(1)]

    URL from which the source code can be downloaded. Added by the server. Ignored when uploaded manually.

  • binary.url: [character(1)]

    URL from which the binary can be downloaded. Added by the server. Ignored when uploaded manually.

  • source.format: [character(1)]

    Format of the source file.

  • binary.format: [character(1)]

    Format of the binary file.

  • source.md5: [character(1)]

    MD5 checksum to check if the source code was uploaded correctly.

  • binary.md5: [character(1)]

    MD5 checksum to check if the binary code was uploaded correctly.

  • source.path: [character(1)]

    The path to the cached source file, once getOMLFlow was run.

  • binary.path: [character(1)]

    The path to the cached binary file, once getOMLFlow was run.

  • object: [any]

    (optional) Any R object referring to the flow.

See Also

Other flow-related functions: convertOMLFlowToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLFlow(), listOMLFlows(), makeOMLFlowParameter(), tagOMLObject()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19