listOMLTaskTypes function

List available OpenML task types.

List available OpenML task types.

The returned data.frame contains the type id and the character name of the OpenML task type.

listOMLTaskTypes(verbosity = NULL)


  • verbosity: [integer(1)]

    Print verbose output on console? Possible values are:

    0: normal output,

    1: info output,

    2: debug output.

    Default is set via setOMLConfig.




This function is memoised. I.e., if you call this function twice in a running R session, the first call will query the server and store the results in memory while the second and all subsequent calls will return the cached results from the first call. You can reset the cache by calling forget on the function manually.


# \dontrun{ # listOMLTaskTypes() # }

See Also

Other listing functions: chunkOMLlist(), listOMLDataSetQualities(), listOMLDataSets(), listOMLEstimationProcedures(), listOMLEvaluationMeasures(), listOMLFlows(), listOMLRuns(), listOMLSetup(), listOMLStudies(), listOMLTasks()

Other task-related functions: convertOMLTaskToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLTask(), listOMLTasks(), makeOMLTask(), tagOMLObject()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19