loadOMLConfig function

Load OpenML configuration.

Load OpenML configuration.

Loads the OpenML config file from the disk and overwrites the current OpenML config. If there is no API key in the configuration file, the key is retrieved from the environment variable OPENMLAPIKEY (if defined).

loadOMLConfig(path = "~/.openml/config", assign = TRUE)


  • path: [character(1)]

    Full path location of the config file to be loaded.

  • assign: [logical(1)]

    Use the loaded configuration as the current configuration? If set to FALSE, the configuration is just returned by the function. Default is TRUE.


list of current configuration variables with class OMLConfig .


# # if assign = FALSE nothing is changed # # usually one would want assign = TRUE # \dontrun{ # loadOMLConfig(assign = FALSE) # }

See Also

Other config: configuration, getOMLConfig(), saveOMLConfig(), setOMLConfig()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19