tagging function

Tagging of OpenML objects

Tagging of OpenML objects

Add or remove a specific tag to a OpenML data, task, flow or run.

tagOMLObject( ids, object = c("data", "task", "flow", "run"), tags, verbosity = NULL ) untagOMLObject( ids, object = c("data", "task", "flow", "run"), tags, verbosity = NULL )


  • ids: [integer]

    The IDs of the respective objects.

  • object: [character(1)]

    A character that specifies the object you want to delete from the server. Can be either "data", "task", "flow" or "run".

  • tags: [character]

    The tags that should be added/removed.

  • verbosity: [integer(1)]

    Print verbose output on console? Possible values are:

    0: normal output,

    1: info output,

    2: debug output.

    Default is set via setOMLConfig.

See Also

Other data set-related functions: OMLDataSetDescription, OMLDataSet, convertMlrTaskToOMLDataSet(), convertOMLDataSetToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLDataSet(), listOMLDataSets(), uploadOMLDataSet()

Other task-related functions: convertOMLTaskToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLTask(), listOMLTaskTypes(), listOMLTasks(), makeOMLTask()

Other flow-related functions: convertOMLFlowToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLFlow(), listOMLFlows(), makeOMLFlowParameter(), makeOMLFlow()

Other run-related functions: convertOMLMlrRunToBMR(), convertOMLRunToBMR(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLRun(), listOMLRuns(), makeOMLRunParameter(), makeOMLRun(), uploadOMLRun()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19