The type of the task to upload. See listOMLTaskTypes() to list all valid task types. [integer(1)]
ID of the data set.
target.feature: [character(1)]
The target feature of the dataset.
estimation.procedure: [character(1)]
The estimation procedure for the evaluation. See listOMLEstimationProcedures() to list all procedures.
evaluation.measure: [character(1)]
The evaluation measure for the evaluation. See listOMLEvaluationMeasures() to list all possible measures.
tags: [character]
The tags that should be added after uploading.
description: [character(1)|OMLDataSetDescription]
Either an OMLDataSetDescription or a character(1) that describes the data. For the latter, all other relevant information is autogenerated from the Task.
confirm.upload: [logical(1)]
Should the user be asked to confirm the upload? Default is the setting from your config.
verbosity: [integer(1)]
Print verbose output on console? Possible values are: