uploadOMLDataSet function

Upload a data set to the OpenML server.

Upload a data set to the OpenML server.

Share a data set by uploading it to the OpenML server.

uploadOMLDataSet( x, tags = NULL, description = NULL, confirm.upload = NULL, verbosity = NULL )


  • x: [Task|[OMLDataSet]

    Contains the data set that should be uploaded.

  • tags: [character]

    The tags that should be added after uploading.

  • description: [character(1)|OMLDataSetDescription]

    Either an OMLDataSetDescription or a character(1) that describes the data. For the latter, all other relevant information is autogenerated from the Task.

  • confirm.upload: [logical(1)]

    Should the user be asked to confirm the upload? Default is the setting from your config.

  • verbosity: [integer(1)]

    Print verbose output on console? Possible values are:

    0: normal output,

    1: info output,

    2: debug output.

    Default is set via setOMLConfig.


[invisible(numeric(1))]. The ID of the data (data.id).


This function will reset the cache of listOMLDataSets on success.

See Also

Other uploading functions: makeOMLStudy(), uploadOMLFlow(), uploadOMLRun(), uploadOMLStudy()

Other data set-related functions: OMLDataSetDescription, OMLDataSet, convertMlrTaskToOMLDataSet(), convertOMLDataSetToMlr(), deleteOMLObject(), getOMLDataSet(), listOMLDataSets(), tagOMLObject()

  • Maintainer: Giuseppe Casalicchio
  • License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2022-10-19