Power and Sample Size for (Bio)Equivalence Studies
Design matrices of period balanced incomplete block designs
1--2*alpha confidence interval given point estimate, CV, and n
1--2*alpha Fieller CI given point estimate, CV (, CVb) and n
Helper functions
Confidence limits of a CV for log-normal data
CV from a given Confidence interval
Decompose CV(T) and CV(R) from 'pooled' CV of T/R
Pooled CV from several studies
CVwR from the upper expanded limit (ABEL)
Sample Size Tables for the Classical 2x2 Crossover Design
Sample Size Tables for the 2x2x3 Replicate Crossover Design
Sample Size Tables for the 2x4x4 Replicate Crossover Design
Removed functions in PowerTOST
Deprecated functions in PowerTOST
Expected power of the non-inferiority test
Expected power of the TOST procedure
Sample size based on expected power for the non-inferiority test
Sample size based on expected power
Show the 'known' designs
Owen's Q-function
Owen's Q-function via repeated integration by parts
Owen's T-function
Power analysis for average bioequivalence (ABE)
Power analysis for scaled ABE for NTIDs
Power analysis for scaled average bioequivalence (scABE)
Power for two simultaneous TOST procedures
Power of dose-proportionality studies evaluated via Power model
(Empirical) Power for BE decision via FDA method for highly variable N...
Power of the one-sided non-inferiority t-test
(Empirical) Power for BE decision via FDA method for NTIDs
Power for equivalence of the ratio of two means with normality on orig...
(Empirical) Power for BE decision via linearized scaled ABE criterion
(Empirical) Power of BE Decision via Reference Scaled ABE
(Empirical) Power of BE decision via scaled (widened) BE acceptance li...
(Empirical) Power of BE decision via scaled (widened) BE acceptance li...
Power of the classical TOST procedure
Power calculation of the BE decision with models incorporating groups
Power of the TOST procedure obtained via simulations
p-value(s) of the TOST procedure
Constructor of an object with class 'regSet' containing the regulatory...
Sample size based on power of two TOSTs
Sample size estimation of dose-proportionality studies evaluated via t...
Sample size estimation for BE decision via FDA method for highly varia...
Sample size for the non-inferiority t-test
Sample size estimation for BE decision via the FDA's method for narrow...
Sample size for equivalence of the ratio of two means with normality o...
Sample size estimation for BE decision via linearized scaled ABE crite...
Sample size estimation for BE Decision via Reference Scaled ABE
Sample size estimation for ABEL and iteratively adjusted alpha
Sample size estimation for BE decision via scaled (expanded) BE accept...
Sample size estimation for BE decision via scaled (expanded) BE accept...
Sample size based on power of TOST
Iteratively adjusted alpha for ABEL
Scaled (widened) BE Acceptance Limits
Type I error rate for two simultaneous TOST procedures
Contains functions to calculate power and sample size for various study designs used in bioequivalence studies. Use known.designs() to see the designs supported. Power and sample size can be obtained based on different methods, amongst them prominently the TOST procedure (two one-sided t-tests). See README and NEWS for further information.