RNAseq Visualization Automation
Null Return
calculate pathway scores
Calculate CFB
DL Pathways DB
Get CPM Colors
Create ggplot object for number of differntially expressed genes with ...
Create ggplot object for number of differntially expressed genes with ...
Create plotly object for number of DE genes at different cutoff combin...
Multi Plot
Check number of DE genes at different cutoff combinations
Create plotly object for number of DE genes at different cutoff combin...
Plot gene expression
Plot a CFB Heatmap
Plot a CPM Heatmap
Plot Heatmap From Raw CPM
Pathway analysis and visualization
Plot qqplot
Plot volcanoplot
Pretty Graphs
Create a message about fold change and pvalues used to produce the plo...
Create a warning about pvalue or FDR minimum value
Reformat Ensembl GeneIDs
Second Cutoff Error
Transform GeneIDs
Validate Annotation Table
Validate Baseline Values
Check Summary Statistics Required Column Types
Validate Comp Names
Validate Data in the Context of Annotation
Validate Data Input
Validate Foldchange
Validate Flag Value Is Valid
Validate genes present
Validate Geneset
Validate Numeric Column
Validate Pathways DB
Validate P-value Range
Validate pval flag
Validate Pvalues
Validate Single Table is not list
Check Summary Statistics Required Columns
Validate Summary Statistics File
Automate downstream visualization & pathway analysis in RNAseq analysis. 'RVA' is a collection of functions that efficiently visualize RNAseq differential expression analysis result from summary statistics tables. It also utilize the Fisher's exact test to evaluate gene set or pathway enrichment in a convenient and efficient manner.